List of Sites Affected Heartbleed

Jakarta - Yahoo only one of the sites affected by hazardous gap of OpenSSL , beyond that there are many more other great sites that are threatened .

Cracks named Heartbleed found in the OpenSSL encryption system is very worrying . Because these bugs can reveal sensitive data that is stored on the server's memory , and more danger again , the hackers can do a ' duplicate key ' to decrypt the encrypted data of each technology through OpenSSL .

Ironically , the new bug was discovered last week , though the gap has been explored almost two years ago . OpenSSL encryption technology is also the most widely used , 2 of the 3 sites often used such systems include Yahoo and several other major sites .

Yahoo admitted that their systems are included in one of the servers that are vulnerable to the bug , but fortunately had quickly repaired .

As quoted from the IT Portal , Friday ( 11/04/2014 ), 8 April, a group of hackers carry out tests on a number of sites that may still be infiltrated with Heartbleed . Here is the list:

Testing ... vulnerable .
Testing ... vulnerable .
Testing ... vulnerable .
Testing xda - ... vulnerable .
Testing ... vulnerable .
Testing .. vulnerable .
Testing ... vulnerable .
Testing ... vulnerable .
Testing ... vulnerable .
Testing ... vulnerable .
In addition to the above ten sites , there are dozens of other sites

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