Samsung Get ready to Leave Android

Jakarta - It's no secret if Samsung does not want to get too dependent on Android . This indication has been seen since Samsung seriously working on Tizen OS .More recently , as the leaked internal documents corroborate rumors . Plans to turn away from Samsung's Android it seems to be prepared carefully .

This information was revealed from the documents included Samsung to court , in the case of patents against Apple . There are at least four important points that reveal the thought Samsung during the period 2011-2012 .

First , Samsung is Apple's main focus , and how they can slow the growth of the iPhone pembesut . " The success of the future , depending on the ' dulling ' Apple , " said Samsung as reported by Business Insider , Tuesday ( 15/04/2014 ) .

Review both the Samsung does not feel as a team player with other Android device manufacturers . South Korean companies do not consider the HTC or other Android vendors as the allies to unite forces against the domination of another OS .

Third , Samsung admitted that they are still regarded as a less strong brand with low quality . According to Samsung , this is their biggest problem .

This point also includes information that reveal most of the telecom operators who towed as distributors , three times tend to prefer to direct their customers to buy the iPhone instead of the Galaxy .Lastly and most importantly , despite the growth of Samsung's line of Galaxy gadgets supported by Android , Samsung has been planned since a few years ago to get rid of Android and use their own OS .When Samsung started to implement the plan in full , this will certainly have a major impact on the Android ecosystem and the sale of Samsung devices . Now , Samsung has started using them the Tizen OS in tablets and Galaxy Gear to test the market .

Samsung ambition is increasingly evident in recent years . Samsung seemed to want to control everything . In fact , Samsung jealous of Apple has full control on design and production of software and hardware .Samsung does make a great device , but still they are ' slaves ' of Android and should be subject to the rules of the owner of Google 's OS . Would no longer be regulated , Samsung also pushed forward Tizen .

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