Samsung: We're Not cheating iPhone

Jakarta - The Samsung is represented by his lawyer says that the company denies cheating on iPhone patents claimed by Apple .

In the related court matter patent feu
d between Apple with Samsung mentioned that how Samsung copied the iPhone patent that does not exist on the iPhone itself .

" We did not cheat the iPhone , because Google was first to the technology in question , " said the lawyer Samsung Bill Price, as quoted from Cnet , Friday ( 05/02/2014 ) .

" In addition to Google first , how can we cheat on patents that the patent itself does not exist in the iPhone , " he said , surprised.

Price also added that Apple was sued patents are narrow and should include a broader definition . Moreover , he is also accused , Apple downplay Google 's role in the trial .

Price also noted that Samsung simply use existing technology in Google's Android and Samsung did acknowledge that Google's Android succeed because the hardware uses." Samsung's success to hard work and innovation in hardware , " he said .

Apple has filed a lawsuit San Jose , as seen Samsung has violated its patents and asking Samsung to pay material losses of USD 2.2 billion .

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