Facebook, Boss Hardware Design Left

Jakarta - Moving in the social networking service , not many know that Facebook has a special boss for hardware design matters . Unfortunately now the boss decided to leave his job at Facebook .Frank Frankovsky , joined Facebook since 2009 . His first two years were spent taking responsibility as Director of Hardware Design and Supply Chain , and eventually was promoted to vice president in the division in February 2012 .

Venture Beat as quoted on Thursday ( 27/03/2014 ) , Frankovsky by posting updates on his Facebook account saying the reason he resigned because he wanted to establish his own company ." Facebook has become an incredible place to work for more than four years . However it is time for me to move to face new challenges , " wrote the teacher who hooked hardware beard this long .Frankovsky plans to build an open source hardware business to focus on developing and presenting optical technology for data storage capacity requirements .

" Cooperation with the team in designing the data center and the most efficient server , which is a small but powerful giant , truly amazing experience that I will always remember, " he continued .Instead , there was Jason Taylor who will continue the work Frankovsky . Taylor is not new in this field . He previously had been in the hardware design team since last year .

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