Google Start Fight Porn Android Apps

Jakarta - Google finally realized , it was too much pornography applications in the Play Store . To eradicate it , the internet giant was immediately issued a new policy for developers of Android applications .As quoted from the Telegraph , Tuesday ( 04/01/2014 ) , the Android application that contains or promotes any form of pornography , including content , icons , titles , or descriptions of erotic , declared off limits to developers .

In addition to cleaning the Play Store of porn apps , Google also published a new policy on the prohibition of misleading content that leads to fraud .

This step is clearly positive . I certainly do not want to constantly blamed for less selective in matters of censorship negative application content . The reason for this , I apply the method of reporting only those who are less pleased with the application .

That is why , there are a million more outstanding applications in the Android Play Store . Anyone developers can simply post it on the app store without having to go through the verification method .And so , many applications such as magazines and books online pornographic contents and violence can easily be downloaded at Play Store , even by users who are under age .

This method is obviously different than their competitors who also have app stores , such as Apple's App Store , Nokia Store , and BlackBerry World . All applications must pass the verification by a team of curators in advance of their publication.

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