Anti-Theft Features of Samsung Galaxy S5 In Praise of U.S.

Jakarta - Theft of mobile phones was allegedly more intense lately. As a precautionary measure , the Samsung was trying to bury anti-theft technology in its newest flagship Android smartphone , the Galaxy S5 .South Korean electronics giant was adding a feature called Find My Mobile and reactivation Lock is installed on the Galaxy S5 . Find My Phone lets users track stolen phones . While reactivation Lock will make the phone not work if the thief tried to turn off the cell phone tracker app .

But for now , the relevant new anti-theft feature is available for S5 Galaxy sold in the United States by Verizon and U.S. Cellular . There is no information whether it will sell the Galaxy S5 others also provide similar features .

Although not really a new feature , the Samsung move won praise from the authority of the United States ( U.S. ) which is trying to reduce the number of thefts of smartphones .

" The decision to provide the Find My Mobile Lock and reactivation in the Galaxy S5 and allows the user to activate it for free is a step forward in our efforts to make sure the industry is a theft prevention , " said Eric Schneiderman and George Gascon , each of which served as a prosecutor in New York and San Francisco .Schneiderman and Gascon , with London mayor Boris Johnson , is the leader of a coalition of anti- theft mobile phone called the Secure Our ​​Smartphone Initiative . These institutions seek to reduce mobile phone theft crimes .

Schneiderman is actively supporting legislation that is currently being addressed U.S. lawmakers . The law will arrange for a feature embedded in every mobile phone made ​​in the U.S. , so the phone does not work if it is stolen .

Apparently cell phone theft is rampant in the U.S. , where in 2012 , there were 1.6 million Americans become victims . Similarly, as quoted by Reuters on Monday ( 07/04/2014 ) .

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