Britain Willing to Pay U.S. $ 103 Billion for Windows XP

Jakarta - Microsoft will ' kill ' Windows XP next week . But the British government was willing to pour a lot of money that Microsoft would maintain the operating system .

The reason sederharna , because up to now in the UK are still many devices that use Windows XP . Not just a home computer , but including computing devices to equipment in government hospitals .Not surprisingly, then England are willing to spend the cash as much as 5.5 million pounds, equivalent to Rp 103 billion to ' save ' Windows XP .

In addition to English , Dutch also do the same . State Windmills offers millions of euros that Microsoft still providing support to 30 thousand computers Windows XP in its territory . In addition to Windows XP , the two countries also called for support for Office 2003 and Exchange 2003 .Negosasi two countries represented by Crown Commercial Service ( CCS ) , and they also hoped Microsoft would extend the life of the operating system tersesebut .

" This will provide sufficient time for public agencies to migrate to another operating system , " said Sarah Hurrell , IT Telecoms Commercial Director of CCS .

If approved, the UK and the Netherlands will enter the Custom Support program of Microsoft . As reported by the Weekly comuter and quoted on Monday ( 04/07/2014 ) .

Death of Windows XP is still not acceptable to many. In China , for example , local authorities have pleaded with Microsoft to want to keep rolling updates to the operating system . Because there are still a lot of users of Windows XP .

On the other hand , Microsoft remains a vigorous reminder that the future of Windows XP coming to an end , and to persuade users to immediately switch to a newer operating system . Even Microsoft was willing to give a discount of up to $ 100 for customers who want to switch to Windows 8 .

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