What is meaning of Twitter for a Brand?

Jakarta - Twitter into a platform that can not be ignored when a brand wants to be closer to its customers . The advertisers in social media can create digital marketing campaigns they are 140 characters in this site . Matt Sutton , VP of Social , Komli ( Twitter Partner Manager , APAC ) called Twitter has a unique combination . Mobile access , and a large range of message with limited characters , is the right combination and it takes people to get connected to whatever is important to them . " How do we communicate with Twitter ? From one person to another , and from one person to many people .

Twitter makes you closer , " he said , while speaking at a session of SES Conference that was held at the Intercontinental Hotel Jakarta , Thursday ( 20 / 3/2014 ) . Social media has completely changed the way consumers access content . Twitter , for example , allows people to access , share , influence opinions and habits on a scale that can be said to change the daily lives of people .

 For a brand , Twitter can contribute to the success of digital marketing campaigns . This is where the importance of utilizing the maximum access that have opened Twitter . " What is Twitter gave the brand like ' seats in the front row ,'" said Matt gave an analogy . He gave an example of how an important moment can spread rapidly and is known to many people through Twitter . That is when the tennis player Andy Murray win Wimbledon championships with 3.2 million tweets . " Or the latest when Ellen DeGeneres do selfie picture at the Oscars . Who does not know those moments ? , " He said . According to Matt , very important for a brand trying to blend Twitter users .

From there , be smart to find a gap draw attention to promote so as to produce a snowball effect . Promoted Tweets say is one example of being part of a conversation . It could also be the target audience using keyword targeting . It is a way of capturing the moment the user , then a brand can go into it . " For example, when someone tweeted was a walk on the beach , by the keyword ' beach ' , a brand can target users with advertising vacation at the beach , " he said . Matt reminded that the digital brand marketing campaigns always keep them from always -on , real time , and well planned .

Lastly, there is also a good idea to include a link access to purchase products or services offered . " When they are interested , they can immediately see the offer in question . Purchases can be easily done , " he concluded .

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