300 Million Professionals Join LinkedIn

Jakarta - Professional Network LinkedIn managed to rake in 300 million active registered users as of April 2014 . This number is growing rapidly given at the end of last year was 187 million users .

In the fourth quarter of 2013 and monthly active users of LinkedIn are still low , and make these networks have to work hard to make users willing to linger not just update a resume or search for jobs .

As quoted from TechCrunch ( 04/22/2014 ) , the growing number of users to make social media professionals targeting this segment will continue to boost presence in mobile platforms and play in Asia . Approximately 50 % of traffic coming to the site come from mobile devices LinkedIn .

LinkedIn was eventually acquired SlideShare and Pulse which is an application for reading the news , this year started to go to China with the launch of the Beta version that will target approximately 140 million among the workers of the country .

The social network for professionals is also announcing the latest version of the application on the mobile that comes with applying for jobs and features available in Indonesian .

The latest version is claimed to provide convenience for the user to utilize the LinkedIn mobile app in the search for a job , for example , while traveling or even during working hours .

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