Facebook Profit Jumps Threefold

New York - The world's largest social network , Facebook , to reap a profit of $ 642 million at the end of the first quarter of 2014 , this figure tripled compared to the previous year's profit in the same period of USD 219 million .

This happened thanks to the surge in earnings growth Facebook turnover reached 72 % contributed by the increase in users and advertising mobile version . Corporate advertising revenue jumped 82 % to $ 2.27 billion .

Turnover of the company founded by Mark Zuckerberg cs reach USD 2.5 billion at the end of March 2014 , compared to the previous year turnover of the company during the same period of $ 1.4 billion .Zuckerberg said Facebook today began to concentrate on its main business lines after one year backward expansion through various acquisitions valued at USD 21 billion .

" The results show a Facebook business remains strong and continues to grow , we are in a position to continue to achieve the targets that have been set up , " said the young man who dropped out of Harvard University told AFP on Thursday ( 24/04/2014 ) .

Facebook is making a profit rising earnings per share also grew by USD 25 cents . Facebook shares have gone up a few days before the announcement of the performance of closed down 1.67 % ( -2.65 % ) to a level of USD 61.36 per share at the close of trading yesterday .

Its shares provide a high enough profit to shareholders in the past year , which grew by 135.01 % .

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