Set up Selfie Obama, White House lawyers went Samsung

Washington - U.S. President Barack Obama used the Samsung promotion in social media . The White House was furious and reportedly exert a lawyer to discuss the matter with Samsung .

Initially , Obama selfie photos with baseball player David Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox club , using a mobile phone Galaxy Note 3 . Samsung then put pictures selfie Obama 's Twitter account as a media campaign . This is what makes the White House is not happy .

" We have spoken to Samsung about this . We also continue the talks between the lawyers , " said a senior White House adviser , Dan Pfeiffer .

According to him , Obama did not know at all the photos will be used selfie Samsung . " In general , whenever someone tries to use the president to promote a product , it would be a problem with the White House , " said Pfeiffer .

Unclear what steps will be the White House on this issue . There is a possibility in the future , no one was allowed to again perform selfie photo with Obama .

" As a rule , the White House objected to the effort ' using ' president for commercial purposes . And we really object to this , "said Jay Carney , White House Press SecretaryOrtiz denied selfie photo with Obama planned as a means of promotion . While Samsung has not commented .

Since 2009 , the White House has several times protested against the use of the president as a means of promotion . Similarly, as quoted from Fox8 , Tuesday ( 04/08/2014 ) .

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