Acquired Kakao Talk, What's Changed on Path?

Jakarta - Path and Path Talk Cocoa officially acquired by Daum, a South Korean company that is the parent of Kakao Talk messaging service. How about the fate of the Path after the acquisition is completed?"What does all this mean to you? Almost all the things you love about the Path and Path Talk will remain the same. Daum Cocoa extensive experience in mobile innovation and a network of millions of users will ensure that services remain reliable and sustainable," wrote CEO and founder of Path, Dave Morin in the official blog Path. 

"Update in the future will continue the development of connections, sharing and communication in communities Path," Morin added.

Morin also believes that Path has a great future under the control of Daum Cocoa. "I believe Daum Cocoa Path will keep the community well," he said."Thank you for the support and feedback you have given. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to serve you," added Morin.

Path was first launched in November 2010. "The idea came from me and the Path Path founder others. We want to be able to stay connected with family despite our distance apart," Morin tells

He expressed Path from the beginning intended as a social network that connects families and people focus near the course. "Social networking is the main focus is on the family. No other social networks whose first priority is the family. The focus is connected to the people close to you, wherever they are," he said.

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