'Batman' Seduced to Be Steve Jobs

Jakarta - Portray Steve Jobs , Aston Kutcher successfully proved their ability to act . But Jobs actors should get ready challenged Batman to portray the former number one Apple.Is the director and writer of the film The Social Network named Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher will also make a biography about Steve Jobs .

However, this time being courted for the role of Steve Jobs is Christian Bale who had been in the movie Batman The Dark Rises .

Unlike previous Steve Jobs biopic is much more highlight the bad character , this time on film director and writer couples will further highlight the kindness of the late Jobs .Unfortunately there is no information on the title which will be carried. Even so , as quoted from Phone Arena , Monday ( 24/03/2014 ) , Creater optimistic biopic of Steve Jobs will be responded to positively by the market .

The Social Networks previously worked on this pair is a film that tells the journey of Mark Zuckerberg while Facebook builds .

Although this film is not too successful in the market , at least Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher have had a basis for the film with technology leaders as the main character , as does the Steve Jobs biopic to be working on . We look forward to the results.

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