iTunes ready to enter the Android ?

Jakarta - iTunes like other services only for Apple users . Exclusivity it seems to be coming to an end , along with the gossip iTunes will touch the Android .

This rumor blowing from sources close to Apple . According to him , Apple is increasing the pembicaraa with major record labels to launch iTunes on Android .Sources who declined to be named said that , Apple will change it into iTunes to Android music service or on-demand video streaming like Spotifiy .

When this happens , this is a rare case because Apple rarely released its services to other platforms , in addition to its own operating system besutannya .ITunes for Android plan is not independent of the declining number of buyers song on iTunes in recent time . So that was quoted from Apple Insider , Monday ( 24/03/2014 ) .According to data from Nielsen SoundScan , sales of music albums on iTunes have declined by 9 % until the beginning of March . Meanwhile , sales of music per song , also down 11 % compared to the same quarter last year .

" Apple feels there has been a transition from purchase to play and store tracks through streaming services , " said the source .

Apple itself has a similar service called iTunes Spotify Radio . These services successfully embrace a large portion of users , thus making Apple thought to pave the way to the Android operating system .Still no word from Apple about the big plans , including the possibility iTunes Android will soon be launched .

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