BlackBerry Fire 120 Employees

WATERLOO - BlackBerry fire 120 employees located in Waterloo headquarters . Employees who are fired are part of product development and team of wireless technology . Since the leadership of the new CEO , John Chen namely , this is the first time a Canadian phone company was doing dismissal . Although it is often cut BlackBerry piecemeal employees due to poor financial condition .

This dismissal is the first time since the BlackBerry layoffs of some employees in the United State September last year . This is the reason for the dismissal of worker efficiency . Which BlackBerry since signed a cooperation with Foxconn , the practical division and product development team that wireless technology is not needed anymore . " BlackBerry is working hard to restore the company's profit and we continue to optimize our resources to meet the target .

As with this week reduction affects employees at BlackBerry U.S. and Canada with a reduction of 120 employees in Waterloo , Ontario region . These employees are in the product and the team division development wireless technology , "according to a written statement as quoted BlackBerry PhoneArena , Wednesday ( 03/19/2014 ) .

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